The very heart of any social media campaign strategy centers around two main things. Number one is how many fans you have and how you engage them. Second, do you have an e-mail list and are you able to e-mail the fans that you already have. There are some new and innovative ways to jumpstart both of these essential chambers of your social media campaigns.
One way that you can both increase your fan base for your social media campaigns, (while simultaneously increasing your e-mail customer list) are by using a sweepstakes or contest or giveaway. Using this method allows people to like your fan page while they provide an e-mail address in order for you to contact them about the results of your promotions. This requires a little bit of technology to make sure that everything works seamlessly together, so you may have to reach out to a consultant or an agency to implement this, but the results are staggering.
Another way to grow your e-mail list while increasing fans to your fan page is by using online vouchers or coupons. Typically these would be downloadable and printable to the customer. Of course, in order to redeem the offer the campaign would be set up for the customer to once again provide an e-mail to send the coupon to, and for immediately download to their computer.
There are so many possibilities with this type of social media marketing to grow your business. With the rise of viral social media marketing, a business can almost force a certain level of virality to any campaign or promotion that they engage in. Also, in these types of marketing setups the customer can allow to message them and post to their newsfeeds at any time. This is a much better way to market to your customers, because although you may have to pay for advertising in the beginning of these types of campaigns, once your customers are in your funnel you can communicate with them over and over again without advertising costs.
Well, these are a few dynamic social media methods that any business can use to increase their bottom line. Just make sure that you team up with people who know exactly how to run these types of campaigns for you. Once you have your own social media machine running you should not have time to oversee it due to all the extra business that you should receive.
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